As a budding agile coach at a new site, you are probably poised to champion "transparency." You eager to introduce your friends to " information radiators ," open lines of communication, and fortnightly project showcases. But not so fast! From some blogger who borrowed it from Dilbert without permission. As a wise mentor of mine once said, "the truth is something to be very careful with." The control of information directly and indirectly translates into control over budgets, income, and even job security. Sadly, if you are working in any organization which employs humans, you need to be careful. You will run into a world of pain if you misunderstand what will happen to the flow of money in your company when you change the flow of information. Three patterns to look out for: 1) " Good news up; bad news down." Are there people in your organization whose entire job it is to make sure that the people at the "coal face" ...
Non-zealot reflections on real life agile leadership, management and analysis practices.