From a really great blog post on agile adoption: I've observed some different agile transformation patterns, and maybe you have too: Just Do Standups (Shoot, then Aim): some people feel that since you're "agile," you should just start doing stuff, like daily standups, and then build more of the the plan as you go. Find a team and start doing some agile with them! Start a revolution one practice at a time, one team at a time. Pros: you're very busy from the start. Cons: what exactly are you doing and why? KPI-Driven Change (Aim, then Shoot) : some people who have worked in large corporations for a while will tell you that to get the respect of the people, you need to start with a plan, support the plan with awesome printed and online collateral. Then you "kick off," tell teams what to do, and measure them using "Key Productivity Indi...
Non-zealot reflections on real life agile leadership, management and analysis practices.