Improvisational comedy techniques have been making their way into agile training discussions for some time. The UK (and beyond) Agile Coaches Gathering devoted their 2009 autumn meeting to " Improvisation for Agile Coaches ." Planning for Failure 's amazing Todd Charon did this wonderful lightning talk in 2010. And this week, Lisa Crispin posted an enthusiastic review of Mike Sutton 's half-day improv session for AgileCoachCamp US. From Del Close's skull's MySpace Page I've always felt happier belonging to the "yes-and" teams much more than the "no-but" ones, but and I wanted to see for myself how improv philosophies and techniques could provide a useful framework for agile/lean software development. So, inspired by Lisa, here's what I found out. Most inquiries into improv lead to Del Close, granddaddy of Chicago-style improvisational comedy, and co-author of Truth in Comedy: The Manual of Improvisation . Del fam...
Non-zealot reflections on real life agile leadership, management and analysis practices.